OISST Data Extraction Workflow

1. Downloading OISST Data Using THREDDS Server

# Establish Desired Destination Path
oisst_path <- "/Users/akemberling/Documents/oisst_local"
oisst_path <- "/Users/akemberling/Documents/oisst_mainstays/full_period"

# Pull data from Thredds server
daily_sst_stack <- env_data_extract(data.set = "OISST", 
                                    dates = c("1982-01-01", "1984-12-31"), 
                                    #box = c(1, 359, -89, 89), 
                                    box = c(-77, -60, 35, 46), 
                                    out.dir = oisst_path, 
                                    mask = NULL)

2. Importing Daily Mean SST Data as Raster Stack

# Load data into R as Raster stack
daily_sst_stack <- raster::stack(str_c(oisst_path, "/", "OISST.grd"))

3. Calculating Seasonal Averages

#Set up the Breaks you want
season_breaks <- data.frame(
  "breaks" = c("SPRING", "FALL"),
  "start_date" = c(as.Date("1981-03-01"), 
  "end_date" = c(as.Date("1984-05-31"), 

#Calculate Means
fall_spring_means <- oisst_period_means(stack_in = daily_sst_stack, 
                                        projection_crs = 4326, 
                                        time_res_df = season_breaks)

Mapping it with sf and stars (for rasters)

4. Extracting Daily Values with Point Locations

# Create spatial points object from station data
station_data <- read_csv("/Users/akemberling/Box/Adam Kemberling/Box_Projects/Convergence_ML/data/trawldat.csv")
trawl_sf <- st_as_sf(station_data, coords = c("DECDEG_BEGLON", "DECDEG_BEGLAT"), crs = 4326)

# # Reproject if necessary
# project_utm <- 26919 #NAD1983 / UTM zone 19N got Maine
# trawl_sf_proj <- trawl_sf %>% st_transform(crs = project_utm)
# project_utm <- st_crs(trawl_sf_proj)

# Format Date Column
trawl_sf <- trawl_sf %>% 
  mutate(DATE = lubridate::ymd_hms(str_c(EST_YEAR, "-", EST_MONTH, "-", EST_DAY, " 12:00:00")))

5. Single Season Point Extractions

#Single Year Test = Fall 1982

#Test Raster 
test_ras <- fall_spring_means$FALL.1982

#Test points = all stations all years
test_points <- bind_cols( lon = station_data$DECDEG_BEGLON, lat = station_data$DECDEG_BEGLAT)
test_points$sst <- raster::extract(test_ras, test_points)

Mapping it with sf

6. Extracting All Years/Seasons with Brick

#Extracting all years from the brick
test_points <- dplyr::select(station_data, lon = DECDEG_BEGLON, lat = DECDEG_BEGLAT, year = EST_YEAR)

#Extract specific to the sample year (or whatever the raster resolution is)
#Season is generated at random here because imported data does not contain that information
full_extraction <- test_points %>% 
  mutate(season = sample(c("SPRING", "FALL"), replace = T, size = 1),
         raster_res = str_c(season, year, sep = ".")) %>% 
  split(.$raster_res) %>% 
  imap_dfr(function(df, resolution){
    # Build Brick layer ID
    stack_id <- resolution
    # Build Raster Layer Index Number
    layer_index <- which(names(fall_spring_means) == stack_id)
    # Return NA's if there's no layer that matches
    if(length(layer_index) != 0){
        df$sst <- raster::extract(fall_spring_means[[layer_index]], df[, c("lon", "lat")])
      return(df) } else {
        df$sst <- rep(NA, nrow(df))

Mapping it with sf

7. Extracting Data with Shapefiles